Rapper Changmo from Ambition Musik, uploaded a new track to SoundCloud on June 3rd. The title is in Korean, (닿게 됐어), and Google translates it to 'Okay Touch.' Changmo, the artist behind the hit "Maestro," also posted on Instagram; #DNSG, (which could also be the title of his upcoming mixtape). Check out the new song on SoundCloud below.
Rapper Changmo from Ambition Musik, uploaded a new track to SoundCloud on June 3rd. The title is in Korean, (닿게 됐어), and Google translates it to 'Okay Touch.' Changmo, the artist behind the hit "Maestro," also posted on Instagram; #DNSG, (which could also be the title of his upcoming mixtape). Check out the new song on SoundCloud below.